Title: Born With Teeth: A Memoir
Author: Kate Mulgrew
Pages: 306
Finished: April 28, 2019
First Sentence: I started out in a green house with a red door in a small town, where mysteries abounded.
Summary: Kate Mulgrew. You may know her as Kathryn Janeway from Star Trek: Voyager, or perhaps as Red from Orange is the New Black. This is her story. Of her family. Of becoming an actor. And of all the loves she ever had.
Thoughts: Wow. What a confident and unashamed woman. I imagine some people reading this would place a ton of judgement on her as she talks about each of her lovers and affairs without apologies. But it was almost refreshing in a way. To say, "This is who I am. This is what I wanted."
Most of what I got from this book though is that I am not anywhere close to as driven as she is. She sought out acting at basically the cost of everything else. But at the same time, we did get to see how things that happened in her life affected her.
I know Kate Mulgrew as Captain Kathryn Janeway from Star Trek. She's my second favorite captain. It was really interesting to see just what was happening in her life as Star Trek was a thing that was happening.
Writing wise, I thought the book started out strong. The opening line and what followed was lovely. But as I kept going, it didn't feel the same. The style felt different. I'm not sure how.
This is the second biography I've read in a short amount of time. I have to say, as of right now, I'm not a huge fan. Both biographies have been about people I admire, but I just didn't find the stories compelling.
Read for the TBR Challenge.
Most of what I got from this book though is that I am not anywhere close to as driven as she is. She sought out acting at basically the cost of everything else. But at the same time, we did get to see how things that happened in her life affected her.
I know Kate Mulgrew as Captain Kathryn Janeway from Star Trek. She's my second favorite captain. It was really interesting to see just what was happening in her life as Star Trek was a thing that was happening.
Writing wise, I thought the book started out strong. The opening line and what followed was lovely. But as I kept going, it didn't feel the same. The style felt different. I'm not sure how.
This is the second biography I've read in a short amount of time. I have to say, as of right now, I'm not a huge fan. Both biographies have been about people I admire, but I just didn't find the stories compelling.
Read for the TBR Challenge.