Thursday, December 20, 2018

TBR Challenge

I've always been interested in To Be Read challenges, but I often don't qualify for them. It's not because I don't have a back log of books to read. I have lists upon lists! However, I don't have a pile of physical books. I just don't. I love reading. But I don't have the budget or the space for a ton of books. I have allergies and asthma, so books in my house have to be in good condition. And I work at a library, so I can get anything I want to read in a reasonable amount of time. And many of these types of challenges don't count unless you have a pile of books. I suppose I could take a picture of the library stacks and say, "here you go! Here's my backlog." Anyway, Adam at RoofbeamReader has a to be read challenge that doesn't require a pile! So here I am, and here's my list. This list is comprised of books that are on my various to be read lists, books that my favorite podcast has read that I'd like to read as well, and some productivity books I've been meaning to read but just haven't gotten around to yet. I'm excited for all of them.
  1. Firelord by Parke Godwin (1980) (400 pages)
  2. Beloved Exile by Parke Godwin (1984) (432 pages)
  3. Mosaic by Jeri Taylor (1996) (312 pages)
  4. Rogue Saucer (1996) (271 pages)
  5. Ombria in Shadow by Patricia McKillip (2002) (304 pages)
  6. The Man Who Invented Christmas (2008) (256 pages)
  7. Switch: How to Change When Change is Hard by Chip and Dan Heath (2010) (305 pages)
  8. A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness (2011) (579 pages)
  9. Swamplandia by Karen Russell (2011) (400 pages)
  10. Some Kind of Fairy Tale by Graham Joyce (2012) (310 pages)
  11. Born With Teeth by Kate Mulgrew (2015) (306 pages)
  12. Deep Work by Cal Newport (2016) (304 pages)
Alternate 1: Articles of the Federation by Keith R.A. DeCandido
Alternate 2 The Forgotten Beasts of Eld by Patricia McKillip


  1. Best wishes on all of your challenges for this year! I'm participating in more of them this year so I really hope I can keep the momentum going. I actually have 'Swamplandia' by Karen Russell as well as a collection of her short fiction. Hopefully, I will get those read in the near future. I'm also curious about 'A Discovery of Witches.'

    1. Thanks! I'm excited for all of these! I think it's really funny how many of our books end up crossing over.
