Sunday, September 29, 2019

2019 Goals Quarterly Check-in 3

  1. Read 45 Books - Progress: 28 / 45 +8
  2. Finish my Lord of the Rings in Chronological Order project - Progress: 100%
  3. Back to the Classics - Progress: 6 / 9 +0
  4. To Be Read Challenge - Progress: 2 / 3 +1
  5. Newford Part 1 - Progress: 4 / 12 +1
  6. Austen Challenge - Progress: 1 / 7 +0
  7. Other Books Read:  2
Top 3 Books This Quarter

Newport, Cal - Deep Work
Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Fellowship of the Ring
Christie, Agatha - And Then There Were None

Top 3 Books This Year

Austen, Jane - Sense and Sensibility
de Lint, Charles - Dreams Underfoot
Arden, Katherine - The Winter of the Witch

This quarter was really uninspiring. Which is basically the theme of the year. However, I did finish one of my goals for the year. LotR is finished and I can wait another ten years before rereading them. The three books in my top three for the quarter were the only three I really enjoyed which is really frustrating. And as of yet, none of the books I've read have topped the three in my first quarter which are still at the top of the year.

So.... three months left and I have ALL of these books to read if I'm going to finish my already revised goals:
  1. Emma by Jane Austen (1815) (495 pages) (BttC) (PRC) (Home)
  2. King of Elfland's Daughter by Lord Dunsanay (1925) (301 pages) (BttC) (LinkInn)
  3. Ombria in Shadow by Patricia McKillip (2002) (304 pages) (TBR) (EPL)
  4. Memory and Dream (novel) (400 page) (Newford) (EPL)
  5. The Ivory and the Horn (collection) (338 pages) (Newford) (WorldCat)
  6. Trader (novel) (352 pages) (Newford) (LinkIn)
  7. Someplace to Be Flying (novel) (384 pages) (Newford) (EPL)
  8. Moonlight and Vines (collection) (384 pages) (Newford) (EPL) by end of October
  9. Forests of the Heart (novel) (400 pages) (Newford) (LinkIn) (EPL)
  10. The Onion Girl (novel) (512 pages) (Newford) (EPL)
  11. Tapping the Dream Tree (collection) (541 pages) (Newford) (EPL)
  12. Mansfield Park by Jane Austen (1814) (536 pages) (Austen) (Home)
  13. Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen (1817) (280 pages) (Austen) (Home)
  14. Persuasion by Jane Austen (1817) (312 pages) (Austen) (Home)
  15. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (1813) (408 pages) (Austen) (Home)
  16. Letters from Pemberly by Jane Dawkins
  17. Five Love Languages for Children
Clearly that's not happening. So, I'll just start reading and see how far I get! Not going to read in a certain order or with any priorities in mind. Will just go how my mood takes me and we'll see what happens. Wish me luck for the end of the year!

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