Monday, January 29, 2018

I Will Always Write Back by Caitlin Alifirenka & Martin Ganda

Title: I Will Always Write Back
Author: Catlin Alifrenka and Martin Ganda
Pages: 396
Finished: January 29, 2018

First Sentence: I'd never heard of Zimbabwe.

Summary: Caitlin asks to be assigned to a student in Zimbabwe for a pen pal letter exercise in her middle school English class. Martin is the lucky student in Zimbabwe to receive said letter. The two continue corresponding and prove that sometimes one does reach the lucky jackpot in life.

Thoughts: Wow. I listened to this one, and I had a really tough time stopping! Like, almost late to work because I couldn't stop!

I loved watching how Caitlin recognized her privilege and how lucky she was to have the things she had in life. However, at times she still seemed (and seems) really naive. For example, she has a very utopian idea of how things should be, but doesn't seem to realize that the getting there will be rough.

Martin is just a really impressive person. It's amazing that he was able to do ALL of this with how little he had!

This definitely is a must read for pretty much every kid ever. Read for the Caudill Challenge.

This also is the LAST book on the Caudill challenge, so I'm officially done. And we've decided at work that next year, we're going to assign everyone only two or three, so I will not be doing this one again.

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