Title: The Bullet Journal Method
Author: Ryder Carroll
Pages: 296
Finished: February 4, 2019
First Sentence: The mystery box arrived unannounced.
Summary & Thoughts: The book starts with a section explaining basically how Ryder Carroll developed the system and why it's good. I actually really liked this section. It showed a couple things. First, it showed that what Ryder did before he developed this system was close, but kept evolving. It shows that The Bullet Journal system is something that he actually did sort of make up specifically for the internet (basically tightened up his own system to make it more accessible to people.) And it gave kid of a why do people find Bullet Journaling necessary. So to me, it said that, yes, bullet journaling is personal and things are going to change. It's okay for your system to evolve as you need it to.
The next section was the actually system itself. He has a video or three on his website that have the same information, so I didn't find this very useful other than there's some more info in it.
Following that was the Practice. Some of this actually was really good, but it really wasn't anything I wasn't already doing. Some of it, I feel I'd actually find more frustrating to deal with than not. I still think what I'm doing is bullet journaling even if it's not using the deconstruction etc. I also don't agree with Goals vs Tasks, but I think that's a how my brain vs. how his brain works.
Part IV involved customizing the journal for other things you might need. At this point, there was a lot of what felt like, "Yes, do what you want, but do it this way to call it a bullet journal." At this point, I was starting to get annoyed because the constant "A bullet journal is what you need it to be" paired with "Unless it's like this" was just a mirror of what I see online when it comes to fights about what a bullet journal is or isn't. (That's not to say I have my own ideas what is or isn't a bullet journal. I just don't bother to pay attention to the ones that aren't bullet journals in my mind.)
Part V was a sum up.
In general, this book felt unnecessary. Perhaps if you're brand new to bullet journaling, it might be nice? But I feel like if you just watch the videos on the Bullet Journal Website, it gives you what you need and then you can go ahead and do what you want from there. Because the system should work for you. At the very least the book was a quick read.
The next section was the actually system itself. He has a video or three on his website that have the same information, so I didn't find this very useful other than there's some more info in it.
Following that was the Practice. Some of this actually was really good, but it really wasn't anything I wasn't already doing. Some of it, I feel I'd actually find more frustrating to deal with than not. I still think what I'm doing is bullet journaling even if it's not using the deconstruction etc. I also don't agree with Goals vs Tasks, but I think that's a how my brain vs. how his brain works.
Part IV involved customizing the journal for other things you might need. At this point, there was a lot of what felt like, "Yes, do what you want, but do it this way to call it a bullet journal." At this point, I was starting to get annoyed because the constant "A bullet journal is what you need it to be" paired with "Unless it's like this" was just a mirror of what I see online when it comes to fights about what a bullet journal is or isn't. (That's not to say I have my own ideas what is or isn't a bullet journal. I just don't bother to pay attention to the ones that aren't bullet journals in my mind.)
Part V was a sum up.
In general, this book felt unnecessary. Perhaps if you're brand new to bullet journaling, it might be nice? But I feel like if you just watch the videos on the Bullet Journal Website, it gives you what you need and then you can go ahead and do what you want from there. Because the system should work for you. At the very least the book was a quick read.
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