Title: Uhura's Song
Author: Janet Kagan
Pages: 373
Finished: July 25, 2017
First Sentence: Captain's Log, Stardate 2950.3: The Enterprise continues in orbit around Eeiauo, on the outermost fringe of Federation space.
Summary: The people of Eeiauo are currently suffering an epidemic of ADF disease, and the disease is now communicable to other species. Uhura, through the help of an ancient Eeiauoan song she learned form an Eeiauoan friend suspects that the Eeiauoans may not be native to Eeiauo. With the help of Spock they find the home planet of the Eeiauoans, but now it's a race against the clock to find the cure in a race of people who aren't necessarily open about their past.
Thoughts: I liked this way more than I thought I would. I consider myself a Trekkie, but I find The Original Series a bit hard to stomach. I get that it was progressive for it's time, but watching it now, it's incredibly problematic. This book is so much better if for no other reason than it seems like the ratio between men and woman is properly balanced. I like the new characters including Dr. Wilson. Some people refer to her as a Mary Sue, but I liked her. (Particularly because I get the sense that if she were a man no one would have had an issue with her being so awesome...) For a light book that was intended to be a break from Catch-22, this one certainly fit the bill.
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