Thursday, July 6, 2017

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

Title: The Miracle Morning
Author: Hal Elrod
Pages: 140
Finished: July 2, 2017

Summary: Hal Elrod talks about the six most effective habits one can and should use to reach their full potential in life.

Thoughts: This book has been floating around the bullet journal community for some time. I finally grabbed it because the ideas sounded good. Suffice it to say, I really didn't need to read the book. All the information floating around the web hit the main points of the book without the sales pitch and constant reminders of the low points in his life.

Honestly though, some parts of the book did have their merits. The suggestions for how to actually stay awake after waking up early though again you could find this online. He goes into more detail about the various steps to the Miracle Morning than I did find online, but again, most of this could be easily researched once you know what those steps are. The only value in this book for me was the motivation to get going.

In all honesty though, I'd say go to his website (just google Miracle Morning) sign up for the freebies, and look at the quickstart guide. Skip the book entirely.

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