Sunday, July 2, 2023

Oh Look! I have a blog!

Clearly I don't post here much anymore. I'm still reading a ton, but I've found reviewing to be a bit of a frustration the last few months (years). 

I do like the idea of writing book reviews and may even come back to it. 

Looking at what's going on with my blog, I see a few different things

1. Classics Club: I was supposed to finish this in 2022. I asked for an extension to 2024. I finished three more books from the list that I still need to review (Peter Pan, Handmaid's Tale, Possession). I DNF'd The Winter's Tale by Shakespeare. I still have Vanity Fair and Don Quixote plus the Volume of Austen's Juvenilia to read. I'll admit, I'm not super thrilled with any of those last three - particularly as I also have read a number of other classics for challenges that weren't part of this list. I'm inclined to swap those last 4 books out for other things I read and call it done. I have a second club list in the wings that I'm particularly excited for, but I think I'll wait for a bit before I consider it. I also might just keep going with my current one and see if I can knock a few more off before 2024...

2. Newford Collection: This definitely fell by the wayside. His books can be hard to find and often involve doing a lot of ILL in order to acquire them. My library has a ton of his books available on Hoopla, but not through Libby or in physical format, so I don't have an easy way to read them and haven't taken the time. 

3. Review pages are out of date and won't be updated. I'll pull them down soon.

In general, I am reading a ton. I bought an e-reader a year or two ago. Originally, I'd planned on using it solely to read classics as I find most of the library editions have tiny print and are difficult to read. However, I quickly integrated it with Overdrive and now do most of my reading on the device. As such, I tend to read books I can easily get from Overdrive. I'm looking to put up a list later this month.

Anyway, if anyone still reads this blog, hello! 

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