Thursday, April 16, 2020

Classic Club Spin #23

EDITED TO ANNOUNCE! Spin #23 is going to be Book number 6. In this case, that's Anna Karenina. Wish me luck! How'd your spin turn out?
  1. Anna Karenina - dread
  2. Peter Pan - neutral
  3. Sanditon and Other Tales - neutral
  4. Persuasion
  5. Pride and Prejudice
  6. Anna Karenina - dread
  7. Peter Pan - neutral
  8. Sanditon and Other Tales - neutral
  9. Persuasion
  10. Pride and Prejudice
  11. Anna Karenina - dread
  12. Peter Pan - neutral
  13. Sanditon and Other Tales - neutral
  14. Persuasion
  15. Pride and Prejudice
  16. Anna Karenina - dread
  17. Peter Pan - neutral
  18. Sanditon and Other Tales - neutral
  19. Persuasion
  20. Pride and Prejudice
Classic Club Spin two weeks out from my due date? Classics Club Spin when I have no access to my library other than ebooks which I hate reading? What could possibly go wrong?

So I cheated. I only kept the three books that I physically own at home and added two more classics from my shelf that I'm hoping to read this year. Then put it on repeat. And I'm going to be super forgiving of myself because new baby and preschooler at home and all the other stuff... yeah. I'm going to have to bite the bullet and read ebooks at some point, but I'm really hoping I can get through this quarantine without going that route yet.


  1. Very impressed that you haven't missed a single spin, and even more impressed that you're attempting with a new baby and toddler at home! Best of luck with all of this during this stressful time.

    And honestly, if you put one book on the list 20 times who would blame you?

    1. Thanks. I think it's been six spins now? I could go back and count. And attempting is worthwhile. Just so long as I don't kill myself trying to do so. If it's an Austen novel or Peter Pan, it'll be doable. If it's Sanditon... that's a bit more questionable. I remember getting bogged down in the juvinalia before, but if I parse it out it could be fine. If it's Anna K. Well... we'll see!

  2. Ditto what Karen K. said. You have inspired me to put Anna Karenina on my Spin list too.

    1. Thanks! I wouldn't have even considered it except for two reasons. 1) It's currently easily available at my house and 2) I happen to be a quarter of the way through it already and it's not nearly as painful to read as I was expecting.

  3. Anna K...was the first of the Russian authors I read, and I was surprised how accessible and timeless it was. Now I'm a fan the Russians. Hope you enjoy!

    1. Thanks! It's been an interesting process to be sure.

  4. Why didn't I think of repeating the same three or four books? There are books I really want to get to, but they're just buried in my list. Hope you get something good!

    1. No kidding. I've been repeating for a while now. I'm at under 20 already AND most of what's left is chunky books. I try to read the chunky books outside of spins so that there are more accessible books available for my spin books!
