Title: Decluttering at the Speed of Life
Author: Dana K. White
Pages: 220
Finished: April 23, 2018
First Sentence: Hello. My name is Dana, and I am a Decluttering Expert.
Summary: Dana K. White is a self-proclaimed slob. She's spent most of her life buried in clutter. So, when her second child was in Kindergarten, she started a blog to figure out this clutter issue. What started as a blog solely for herself grew into a system that's helped thousands of people. Decluttering at the Speed of Life is her second book to deal with decluttering and getting one's life in order when one feels completely buried in STUFF.
Thoughts: I have been following Dana's blog for about three years now. I read through her first book two years ago and worked hard to implement the strategies there. Tow years later and I've finally managed to get my daily tasks down. I learned how to most effectively do the weekly tasks to keep my house in order. I switched my laundry from being a daily thing to a designated laundry day. The difference was palpable.
So when this book came out, I tore through it. Yes, it's a bit repetitive, but guys! That's the whole point! You'd better believe it that I have the five decluttering steps memorized, and they're so simple to implement even in five minutes. And five minutes can make such a huge difference.
Read for the Nonfiction Challenge
So when this book came out, I tore through it. Yes, it's a bit repetitive, but guys! That's the whole point! You'd better believe it that I have the five decluttering steps memorized, and they're so simple to implement even in five minutes. And five minutes can make such a huge difference.
Read for the Nonfiction Challenge
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