Title: The Hidden Palace
Author: Helene Wecker
Pages: 469
Finished: August 1, 2021
First Sentence: Of all the myriad races of thinking creatures in the world, the two that most delight in telling stories are the flesh-and-blood humans and the long-lived, fiery jinn.
Summary: The Golem, Chava and the Jinni, Ahmad continue their exploration of humanity following the events of the first book. The Jinni pushes Chava to do things for herself while Chava tries to get the Jinni to actually care about others around him. Meanwhile, Sophia Wilkes travels to Syria to try and find a cure for her illness, eschewing her family name in the process. News of the Ironbound Jinni Travels through the Jinni communities, capturing the interest of a jinniyeh who's immune to iron. And in New York, a girl helps her father build a Golem. Over the course of 15 years, their stories intertwine set in the backdrop of the early 20th century.
Thoughts: I read this book in two days. Much like the first one, it swept me along it's journey and didn't let go until I finished it. Wecker's writing style is very lyrical which always draws me in. The addition of the mystical over a very detailed real world is very compelling as well. Her characters are well thought out and develop well through the story. Her sense of place is fantastic. This is a stunning follow-up to The Golem and the Jinni. Honestly, I don't know what else to say other than go read it. After reading the first one of course.
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