Title: Haroun and the Sea of Stories
Author: Salman Rushdie
Pages: 216
Finished: September 19, 2017
First Sentence: There was once, in the country of Alifbay, a sad city, the saddest of cities, a city so ruinously sad that it had forgotten its name.
Summary: Haroun must travel to the Ocean of Stories to get his father's Storytelling powers back.
Thoughts: Read for my Personal Reading Challenge category of Book by a Nonwestern Author.
Full disclosure, when I started looking up books from non-western authors, the things that kept popping up were super depressing. There are a number of super depressing books on the Caudill list this year too, and I couldn't bring myself to read another very depressing book. My heart can only take so much emotion. So when a coworker suggested this one and labeled it as whimsical, I said yes.
And it was full of whimsy. I knew little about it other than her brief description, but I found I adored it. It has a similar feel to Alice in Wonderland or Wizard of Oz where no one is really in as much danger as it seems and everything is solved fairly easily, but I wanted that. All in all, this book came at the right time for me.
Full disclosure, when I started looking up books from non-western authors, the things that kept popping up were super depressing. There are a number of super depressing books on the Caudill list this year too, and I couldn't bring myself to read another very depressing book. My heart can only take so much emotion. So when a coworker suggested this one and labeled it as whimsical, I said yes.
And it was full of whimsy. I knew little about it other than her brief description, but I found I adored it. It has a similar feel to Alice in Wonderland or Wizard of Oz where no one is really in as much danger as it seems and everything is solved fairly easily, but I wanted that. All in all, this book came at the right time for me.
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