Title: The Emerald City of Oz
Author: L. Frank Baum
Pages: 295
Finished: June 28, 2017
First Sentence: The Nome King was in an angry mood, and at such times he was very disagreeable.
Summary: The Nome King vows to exact revenge on Ozma and Dorothy. With the help of the horrible Whimsies, Phantasms, and Grollywogs, he marches to Oz through a tunnel under the desert in order to raze the land and enslave the people. At the same time, Aunt Em and Uncle Henry are having financial issues. Dorothy asks Ozma if they can come live in Oz, and upon their arrival, the trio along with some other friends travel through Oz to see the merry people who live there.
Thoughts: I like learning about Oz. Sure it's fantastical, but I enjoy it. I far prefer his places to his characters. However, I do wish we could get more in depth. Perhaps that's the issue with it being a children's story. I did think Dorothy was out of line in Bunberry. I feel like there was a continuity error that I had flagged, but I never wrote it down. Overall, I enjoyed this one in the series. It's worth noting, Baum wrote this with the intention of it being his last one. Obviously that's not what ended up happening. Read for the Wizard of Oz readalong.