Title: A History of What Comes Next
Author: Sylvain Neuvel
Pages: 299
Finished: February 2022
First Sentence: We were the Ninety-Eight
Summary: Mia's family has pushed humans throughout history to develop the technology necessary for space travel. And now it is Mia's turn. But the Germans that Mia's family has helped are now all members of the Nazi party, and Germany is about to surrender. It's up to Mia to save the knowledge all while trying to figure out who and what she is.
Thoughts: Contains spoilers: I tore through this book so quickly. A sci-fi historical novel? Yes please! Honestly, I wasn't sure what I was expecting. This book wasn't it, but it was so interesting.
Neuvel really researched the events in the novel. In fact, he has backmatter on all of them. I really liked how he threaded Mia and her people into the events in an incredibly plausible way.
It was interesting seeing the two sets of aliens, the all female Kibsu and then the all male Trackers. It was pretty clear early on that they were connected from a long, distant past. I would have liked a bit more explanation there, but perhaps it's coming in the next book.
Overall, this was an interesting read and I'm definitely looking forward to the next one. I do wish I had listened to the music from the playlist included with the book, but I was reading so fast, I never really made time for it.